One of the hallmarks of a robust community is the strength and excellence of its school system. Throughout America in communities such as ours, educational foundations are being established to intensify excellence in schools.
The Freehold Township Education Foundation, originally incorporated in 1999, was re- vitalized in the fall of 2009 after a period of dormancy. The FTEF redefined its focus and declared its mission "to be the premier supplemental funding source for innovative programs and initiatives to achieve and maintain excellence by employing private resources to complement traditional school funding and promote engaged students."
The foundation is committed to raising private funds that will expand the resources available to district teachers with the intent to support creativity and innovation beyond what the current budget will allow. Our goal is to enhance excellence in our schools and fund areas that are evolving rapidly such as science and technology, the environment, health and wellness, diversity, and the arts so that our students are well equipped to shape the future in the 21st century.
Our fund development plans include special fundraising events, corporate and business partnerships and major grant solicitations. We are committed to creating relationships within our community because excellence in education benefits EVERYONE: students and families, township property owners, local and regional businesses, and future employers.
Community Involvement
We welcome any member of the community to become involved with our efforts. You can make donations or become a sponsor through this website.
Please feel free to contact us for more information. We are happy to provide information or presentations for your organization as needed to help garner support.
Please also feel free to join us for our regular monthly meetings held at the Board of Education conference room (384 West Main Street) on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:30.
Timeline of FTEF
Freehold Township Education Foundation was Founded2009
Freehold Township Education Foundation Revitalized2011
Building Blocks for Innovation Grant Program Initiated, named after William J. Setaro2012
Freehold Township Education Foundation hosts the Inaugural Monte Carlo Night Event2015
Connect Us! Campaign Fully Funded2018
Freehold Township Education Foundation Inaugural Harlem Wizards Event2018
STEAM Campaign fully funded $212,000