When you donate, we all WIN!
To what degree would you like to help us revolutionize education in Freehold Township?

Platinum $25,000
Gold $15,000
Silver $10,000
Bronze $5,000
The above donation levels include sponsorship of specific fund raising events and other value added benefits to our donor/sponsors.
Contact us to learn more about which package is proper for you.
Any other amount you would like to provide is greatly appreciated.
We can also accept checks mailed to:
Freehold Township Education Foundation
384 West Main Street
Freehold, NJ 07728
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
All donations made to the FTEF are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
Thank you for your support!
Pre-Set Donation Form
You may make a donation to FTEF through PayPal's secure servers.
Note: You do NOT need a PayPal account to make a donation.
Other Donation Form
If you would like to donate an amount other than one of the pre-set amounts above, please fill out the donation form and click the Pay Now button below to specify your donation amount. Thank you for your support!